Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Moveable Feast by Ernet Hemingway


This is a novel about the writer, Ernet Hemingway himself. In this novel he wrote about his life experience in Paris. He lives here with her wife, Halden and a son he called Bumby. He meets lot of great writers, which also his friends such as James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, which is husband and wife. He grows to be a better writer as he me met them each time.Their critics help him to improve but he always stand on his own style of writing and that had made him a great writer. He also met almost all kind of people with different personalities and attitude which make him being grateful for his life and it matured him. While he lives here they had problems such as finance and he encountered the problem with his wife and they manage to live a simple and happy life.Paris gave them a warmth feeling as they love it so much.


opium - a powerful illegal drug made from poppy seeds. (heroin)

schnapps - a strong alcoholic drinks

gentian - a small plant with blue or purple flowers that grown in mountain areas

cauterize - medical to treat a wound or a growth on your body by burning it with hot metal

venison - the meet of a deer


This is our second time reading Ernet Hemingway's novel. We find it neither interesting nor boring. It was very flat for us. In this novel, the writer applied some French word that we do not understand such as 'monte sur'. Sometimes we could not grab what he was trying to mention in his writing, so we ignore all the French words or sentences. We also can see that how he became a very a good writer as he always being with great people, whom help him to be a better and mature writer. We also found that he likes to drink a lot. That is the negative side of him, but from the start till the end, we feel that he is very loyal to his wife. When he needs to go to another country alone for a long time to do some business, he really missed his wife and son. He really loved her as he stated it in the novel.This is the quote of it which is our favourite because it has sentimental value in it.

"I loved her and i loved no one else and we had a lovely magic time when we were alone."

  1. We should be loyal to someone that we love.
  2. Choose the right friends.
  3. Appreciate your life as we get older.
  4. Always be mature and a better person.

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